Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Canada's biggest telecom company now requires warrants for customer info

 Rogers has announced that it will require a warrant if police want to identify its users reports the Globe and Mail.
“After hearing feedback from our customers and reviewing the Supreme Court ruling from last month, we’ve decided that from now on we will require a court order/warrant to provide basic customer information to law enforcement agencies, except in life threatening emergencies,” Rogers spokeswoman Jennifer Kett said in an e-mailed statement. “We believe this move is better for our customers and that law enforcement agencies will still be able to protect the public.”
Rogers is one of the first Canadian telecom providers to publish what is known as a “transparency report.” In a brief report it made public in early June, the company revealed it received a total of 174,917 requests for customer information in 2013. It did not specify how many of those requests were fulfilled.
 This announcement comes as a response to the R. v. Spencer decision laid out by the Supreme Court of Canada on June 13. The Court determined in the case that internet users have an expectation of privacy in their online persona and request for personal information from an ISP constitutes a search for Charter purposes.

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